Healing Meditation

Meditation To Enhance AIM With Evan Slawson

The Art and Importance of Meditation

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Meditation has been proven to have many psychological, spiritual and physiological benefits. When your mind focuses on something specific, your brain activity shifts. Join EMC² Co-founder Evan Slawson to learn how to find better concentration with AIM to enrich your mind, body and soul.
Listen to the conference call from Co-Founder, Evan Slawson 1st.
Then enjoy the program here.
EMC² Healing Meditation
The EMC² Healing Meditation is a 14-minute audio program. You can either listen online, or download it to listen on your computer or MP3 player at your convenience. Please download and read this Introduction before doing the meditation itself
This .pdf file will help you with the visualization:


What is Your Personal Development Growth I.Q.?

Have you done a personal growth checklist on your life lately?

Many goals are never reached due to lack of self-assessments.

It is frightening and overwhelming to sit down and have to face yourself. Yet, in order for personal development to happen, it is exactly what you must do.

Get yourself a small notebook to be used for all thoughts concerning you. Inside these pages you will keep notes, to-do lists, inspirations and basically, everything about you. When you put yourself on paper consistently, it becomes a life management bible. Seeing who we are in written form is magic to personal growth.

There is value contained here about your purpose in living. By privately writing down your daily to-do’s, aspirations, or even 5 year plans, these pages outline where your life is going. Where your life has been. The notebook becomes your intimate novel to personal development growth. It makes you self-aware of your behaviors and habits.

It puts your dreams in your face to encourage self-actualization. No matter how terrifying the pen gets, you have opportunity to change your life on the very next page.

Getting your personal development growth I.Q. involves mastering the pages you’ve written about yourself into new pages of re-inventing yourself and your circumstances. It is through doing a consistent assessment of your life, and bravely finding new ways to approach setbacks. Questions about who you are and where you are going are constant within these pages.

You have made yourself accountable for your life by writing everything down. It is easier to take personal responsibility for what happens to you if you acknowledge it with a pen. You cannot grow if you do not know. So much happens to us in the course of a day and can easily be missed as an opportunity for growth. By keeping notes, it can be measured and evaluated. Days can melt into months, and years, leaving us in the exact same spot as we began. And then the moment comes where we wonder why our life didn’t turn out the way we planned. It is because time moves forward, and so should we.

Consider this self bible your life instructions.

Critique yourself honestly.

Applaud the little successes you see, because had you not wrote them down you probably would have missed them entirely.

Life is a continual process of renewal and opportunity. To measure your personal development growth I.Q., look back on the pages of yesterday and see if you have climbed ladders or fell steps down. What can be learned? What is within your power to change? How will you recreate yourself in small ways tomorrow? Even one step different than the one before begins a new path. By writing all of you down on paper you have made yourself aware of you. Awareness acknowledges our existence in this world.

An added bonus to purging your thoughts on paper is the release.

What is inside you should come out to keep a healthy mind and attitude. This is why journals exist.

This is a reason people have day timers and diaries. Humans can take in so much information daily, and then swirl it around into a feeling or opinion, even a stressor. It is imperative to good mental health to release all this somewhere else–preferably to paper and not another person.

Encourage good things to happen in your life.

Help the process through timely self-assessments.

Re-invent yourself through writing.

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Face the written words and change them.

Common Barriers to Personal Growth and Development

Do you find yourself striving to move forward, but getting nowhere? You likely have barriers to personal growth and development that you may not even be aware of. Many people have barriers to personal growth and development that hold them back from achieving their personal or career goals in life. However, regardless of the nature of your barriers to personal growth and development, you can overcome the obstacles and achieve your goals with a few lifestyle and mindset adjustments.

The most common barrier to personal growth and development is your own imagination. How much a person can accomplish is only limited by the vision and determination of the person. If you think that you cannot accomplish something, then you will fail. If you think that you can accomplish something, and you put in the effort, you will succeed. Often, personal growth and development is often that simple.

Another common barrier to personal growth and development is past failures or events. Often our past failures or bad events in our lives get in the way of personal growth and development. It is natural for our minds to dwell on such events, but only by moving past them can we truly grow as people and in our careers. These incidents must be put aside so that we can accomplish our goals.

Another common barrier to personal growth and development is our support systems, or lack of support. Negative messages from family, friends, and co-workers will only serve to bring us down, not lift us up. Surrounding yourself with people who are like minded and striving for success in their careers and their life will help you to do the same. Whether you get support from an organized group, your friends, or your family makes no difference. The support that you get, the motivational pep talks and the shoulder to cry on when things go wrong, will help you to realize all of your goals and overcome your barriers to personal growth and development.

One of the less common barriers to personal growth and development is the basic lack of planning. Many people go through life taking what is handed to them, without ever setting down goals and striving to exceed expectations. Setting goals, figuring out how to reach those goals, and making a timeline for success is a vitally important and often ignored barrier to personal growth and development.

Remember, whatever your personal barriers to personal growth and development, you can overcome your obstacles. Any person who sets goals, creates a timeline for success, has adequate support, and strives for excellence can overcome these barriers to personal growth and development and achieve the success that all people deserve.

If you need further assistance in personal growth and development, you can find a lot of information on the internet or in books through your local library or your favorite online book store. Personal development coaches, career development profiles, and other personal growth and development tools can also help you to overcome obstacles and achieve what seemed like the impossible.

What is Personal Development?

There are many people in our society today that are very unhappy with their lives for one reason or another. Whatever reason they have for being unhappy, there is undoubtedly a way to change it. Sometimes it requires a change in career, or situation. Other times it is simply a change in the way that people think. Sometimes, it is both. This is what personal development is all about.

Personal development is a path that you take to better your family situation, career, spirituality, emotional health, and every other aspect of your life. Essentially, personal development is about making conscious decisions about everything that you do, the way that you think, and the way that you react to situations. Personal development can help you obtain everything that you always dreamed of, and more, with the simple application of a few simple mind sets and tools.

One of the biggest steps toward personal development is a change of mind set. If you think that you can do better, you will. If you think that you are stuck in a dead end job, without family or friends to support you, and no prospects of a better future, you will ultimately be very unhappy. When you change your mind set to positive thinking, you will find that you put forth more effort into everything that you do, and you will have much better results.

Another one of the important steps toward personal development is to set obtainable goals. This is not to say that your dream is not obtainable. But if you constantly think about the goal of being a millionaire with a successful family, you will feel pretty hopeless as that goal seems so far out of reach. Setting obtainable goals simply means that you set goals that lead to the ultimate goal.

It is really about taking steps. When you decide that you need food in your refrigerator, it does not automatically appear. You must make a grocery list, go to the grocery store, shop for items, purchase them, bring them home, and put them in the fridge. Obtaining a large goal is much the same way. You will not get there overnight. It takes going through a series of steps, or smaller goals, to find your way.

Smaller goals also help you to see the bigger picture. Instead of thinking that you are never going to reach your final goal, you will see the progress that you are making as you complete each smaller, more obtainable goal. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, as well as help you to change your thinking to a more positive mind set.

For some, personal development is also a matter of moving beyond past failures and misfortune to see what is possible in the future. Often the negative comments made by friends and family over a life time can be difficult to overcome. Past failures, or just the feeling that one is a failure, are another major obstacle. There are ways to move beyond these obstacles.

Personal development is really about making changes. Finding resources to make changes, move past obstacles, set goals, and find happiness is not always easy. But with all of the personal development books, articles, websites, and other resources available, personal development and happiness can be obtained. For those who need additional help moving past obstacles and making those changes, a counselor or personal development coach can also be of great worth.

When You’re Alone at Work

When you’re all alone at work, while driving, or even winding down your day at home, what are you saying to yourself?

Chinese Sheep Graze

  Your brain is always talking to you, but is is uplifting you or putting you down?

In an article from NPR.org, Laura Starecheski explores how self-talk impact our lives. She starts off with the following:

  From the self-affirmations of Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live to countless videos on YouTube, saying nice things to your      reflection in the mirror is a self-help trope that’s been around for decades, and seems most often aimed at women. The practice,    we’re told, can help us like ourselves and our bodies more, and even make us more successful — allow us to chase our dreams!

Impressed, but skeptical, I took this self-talk idea to one of the country’s leading researchers on body image to see if it’s actually part of clinical practice.

David Sarwer is a psychologist and clinical director at the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders at the University of Pennsylvania. He says that, in fact, a mirror is one of the first tools he uses with some new patients. He stands them in front of a mirror and coaches them to use gentler, more neutral language as they evaluate their bodies.

Are you aware of your self-talk? Sometimes we just need someone to help us understand how we speak to ourselves. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member and help each other pay attention to ow you both talk to yourselves.

Success – As Easy As ABC

A – Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places.
B – Believe in your self, and in what you can do.
C – Consider things on every angle and aspect. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.
D – Don’t give up and don’t give in.
E – Enjoy. Motivation takes place when people are happy.
F – Family and Friends — Don’t loose sight of them.
G – Give more than what is enough.
H – Hang on to your dreams. They may sway for a second, but these will be your driving force.
I – Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people get the best of you.
J – Just be you. The key to failure is to try to please everyone.
K – Keep trying no matter how hard life may seem.
L – Learn to love your self.
M – Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.
N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.
O – Open your eyes.
P – Practice makes perfect.
Q – Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate – are you going to be a quitter or a winner?
R – Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation.
S – Stop procrastinating.
T – Take control of your life. Discipline and self-control are synonymous with drive.
U – Understand others. Yearn to understand first, and to be understood the second.
V – Visualize it.
W – Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing.
X – X Factor is what will make you different from the others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on “extras” on your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.
Y – You are unique. Value your life and existence.
Z – Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!!

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